Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Silence, smoking

Silence, Smoking by KG

I'm here again whispering these thoughts to you. I am completely alone right now. Alone in this place where nobody cares for you except the the extra cold winds brought about by recurrent rains. Ironically, I'm still wearing a sando so I needed to pull a blanket. I hear very loud "music" and chattering, seemingly hollering drunkards now but these aforementioned factors will be a hindrance for me to write this. At the least, I challenge myself.

It's really difficult to look for a peaceful place. Even if, you're already in a place with glass-breaking silence, you may still be looking for a more serene place. A place where you can read a book without having to interpret a local song played at the maximum volume at the same time. A place where you feel safe without entertaining some scary thoughts that some people you don't know will barge into your house, scream bad words and break some things with the alibi of being drunk and thus being not fully mindful of what he's doing. I can't tell that it's more peaceful back in our home. Located about 5 kilometers away from the town proper, I can't barely hear there the same noise that I'm forced to listen to right now. I refute that I'm not happy here but it will always be different to be beside your family.

My room is currently being invaded by air and noise pollution. I inhale the same air that's being polluted by smokers nearby. Being here, it seems like I can't do anything but to endure secondhand smoking. I hate it. I never smoked and never will smoke. The thought about a debate I accidentaly watched over the TV some time ago rushed back into my conscious memory again and a key point of one of the debaters made me sensitive to this insensitivity again: "You have the right to smoke as much as

others have their right to breath in clean air." Smoking shouldn't be done in closed, private places. I exxagerate my feelings sometimes and think that this may cause me long-term respiratory diseases in the future or I may just suddenly die because of soffucation, I always end up escaping and looking for a way out of this unhealthy situation though.

The mind instability that I'm suffering now because of the ignorance of others toward the right of  other to a silent and smoke-free environment is rather becoming worst. This prompted me to stop whispering for now.

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