Saturday, July 14, 2012

Can your LinkedIn profile truly increase your chances of getting hired? [Social Network][Study]

The  question  above  is  the  sole  reason  why  2  polls  were  launched  by  the  author  on September  2011  and  July  2012.  He  has  been  a  member  of  the  website,  founded  on  2002,  for quite  some  time  now  but  he's  still  curious  about  the  greater  impact  that  the  website  does specifically based on its core objective to provide an effective relationship-powered job network.
A  poll  was  done  in  September  2011  to  serve  as  the  source  of  data  that  served  as  points  of comparison with the latest ones.

Continue reading through the copy of the article embedded below.

Can Your LinkedIn Profile truly increase your chances of getting hired?

Do you agree with the results of these polls?
Let me know what you think!
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  1. Hi Keith,

    Thanks for your comment on my blog and the link to your fascinating poll, above

    I would like to add my two cents: In my opinion LinkedIn is not - I repeat, NOT - about finding a job; it is about networking. In other words, it is about making connections with people, and putting yourself out there for others to "see". I believe that expecting LinkedIn will increase your chances of getting hired, in the wrong mindset. However, LinkedIn will very likely increase your chances of meeting the person who may help you get hired in your next job.

    For more on how that happens...stay tuned. You've just given me the topic for my next blog.


    1. Oh, I will look forward to that blog post of yours. I will continue to look after this topic too. :)


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